Friday, June 30, 2006

Welcome to mostlypiano

A musician is often thought of as being an entertainer. There's always a bit of entertainment involved, but one always hopes audiences are secretly itching to be touched by art, just as they are entertained. An artist therefore has other agendas than to merely be an entertainer. Sometimes to be artful is to not be entertaining but to be scarry, ironic, stinging, stupid, abstract and more. At the same time, the role of an artist is to also reflect society and hopefully act as a mirror, be it a flattering or distorting mirror. While my primary focus is piano performance and composition in the realm of disecting new ways to play dead people's music (i.e. the classical realm), I have been involved in other aspects of society which have made me more eager to speak out on various topics. This blog will hopefully be an outlet to keep fans included in the debate. I also hope to be inspired by any comments others make.



At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife and I saw one of your concerts in San Diego. We enjoyed it greatly and have several of your recordings.

The Dixie Chicks events underscore your argument. They were commercially successful people getting caught up in the corporate maze for not being simplistic entertainers.

Is this what you mean?

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's going a bit too far calling the Chicks artists don't you think? I mean they're really entertainers. I think Eugene was thinking more about people like Shostakovich.

Just my 2 cents.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger eugene said...


Wow this is tense already -- my intro to the blogosphere....

Actually I don't mind either of your points, and the gulf is not as wide as Ryan says. There are many forms of art, but pop art is more predominant here in the US. I would say the Dixie Chicks have a lot in commone with Shostakovich. If you look at Lady Macbeth and the reception from Pravda, it is scarry, and a lot more would have been at stake involving his personal safety. But when Clear Channel prohibits using Dixie Chicks songs on their stations due to "unpopular" reaction among listeners, it has a similar chilling effect. The group should be able to send whatever message using their expression.

The more interesting point is that political statements are made here in the US culture by country singers. In the Soviet Union, the statements back then were done through high art in the cold war. I would be curious what (if any) form of music (or other art forms) are used today to keep Mr. Putin in check as puts on his unique type of "imitation" democracy in Russia.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We met sailing today, Potter 19 'Melody'
Could not stay with you, wind a bit more than I am used to!
Anway, due to computer problems, I have lost your e-mail address...
Would like to sail together sometime.
Jim Freeze (Other half of Annette)

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Eugene,
We met at UU fallston last fall- went on the website looking for an e-mail for you and saw that you are teachig a course in music and politics- how interesting! what college will that be at? I've often seen music as a mirror of the culture, and sometimes when it's very good music, a cultural and political event that can change things- would love to hear more...(p.s. this is my first blog attempt, so excuse me if something doesn't look right in the procedure)

At 2:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

HI Eugene,
Found your website and it is great.
Haven't seen you for a long time and would love to catch up some time in person. I don't live in NZ any more, I am in Melbourne, Australia. Moved here a few months ago and my biggest regret is that I couldn't bring my piano with me so now I am musicless!
Your old friend from Palmerston North, Wendy.

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Turnbuckle said...

ukjpkvOn 'Trio Lipatti', May 5, '07

Terrific introduction to the classical wonders for me. Looking forward to more and more and more of the same, and different. You are, using today's lingo, 'totally awesome' and truly 'in the moment'!
Thank you for allowing me in.



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